The device contains nine different power levels which can be used as per the required muscle treatment. Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains, is one of the five massage head types. Partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviating pain, is another type. Scrapping therapy, which is applicable for acupuncture and blood circulation, is the third type. Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beauty, is the fourth type. Body therapy, which is applicable for tapping and rolling massage to relief the pain, is the fifth type.
The massage loosens frozen muscles, which results in quick pain relief and muscle relaxation. Auto-detection of meridian energy points, adjustable sensitivity, intensity and frequency controls allow for personalized treatment. Frequent use of this electronic back massager will enable you to reduce pain, boost your mood, relax, improve your skin condition, and prevent premature aging. This fusion of modern high-quality massage pen is good for health promotion.
The electric acupuncture pen trigger point massager is a proven method for treatment of pain, especially chronic conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. The effectiveness of treatment is backed by both Chinese traditional medicine and western science. The device makes you look young and refreshing by stimulating the muscles of the face and body. It is a portable hand-held device, which is exceptionally easy to use.
Please contact us if there are any problems or questions. We are committed to providing a good customer experience, with strict quality checks, so you do not have to worry about buying. The Massage Pen is the best way to heal your muscle pains. Note: Requires one AA battery (not included).
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